Here you can see my talk from Hustle Con 2019!
Below is a bibliography of sorts, a short list of resources and recommended reads that I used as reference and inspiration. Feel free to email me if you have any questions!
Founder Study
Resources are below, but first!… if you are a founder or prospective founder, I am conducting a study on Founder Mental and Emotional Wellness in collaboration with a Stanford Micro-Organizational Behavior PhD candidate. We would love to have your participation, just click the link below. All information will be held confidential and your input is deeply appreciated and will benefit the advancement and understanding of Founder Mental and Emotional Health!
Talk Related Resources
Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others by James Flaherty - Founder of New Ventures West a coaching program that teaches his “Integral Coaching” modality. Approachable book providing an overarching framework and tools for coaching.
Never Split The Difference by Chris Voss - Former FBI hostage negotiator argues why most things you learn in school about negotiation are wrong and provides examples, practical strategies and tools to increase your effectiveness.
Non-Violent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D. - introduces a feelings based language model and framework for more effectively communicating with others. This method does not require the receiving party to be familiar with NVC for it to be effective. — If you prefer audio/video, you can checkout this video of his 3 hour workshop that basically summarizes and explores the core of NVC and how to use it, the visuals aren’t necessary so you can listen as a podcast.
How Great Leaders Inspire Action - The Golden Circle by Simon Sinek - Simon breaks down how to inspire, motivate and connect using the power of asking and telling WHY, a classic “must watch” talk for pretty much everyone.
How to find the person who can help you get ahead at work by Carla Harris at TEDWomen 2018 - Carla concisely and elegantly explains the importance of sponsors and social capital which she further defines through two type of currency.
What’s the Difference Between a Mentor, an Advisor, and a Coach? by Zak Slayback - Most concise overview I could find covering the differences between the Mentor, Advisor, and Coach roles.
Adam Dexter speaks at Hustle Con 2019 about Sponsors, Mentors, Coaches, and Advisors. Who they are, how to find them, and how to get them to help you. See the Slides below or on [Slideshare].